Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Think of what he had done, and not what he had not done"

I accidentally clicked on the wrong page, and returned to some blog entries I posted 1 yr plus ago...
Bittersweet moments :)
Blog is amazing when I read back.
It brought me back to the time where I had left my mark.
Those silly things we said and did together,
laughters and joy everywhere we go,
kisses and hugs before we depart.

Went gym with ming after work today and spent 2 hours there.
Today training was on the back n abdomen.
Always enjoyed gym session with dear~ fun & accomplished ;)
Coming up next- running! I must finish the 10km run and win a meal from someone whom thinks I will give up halfway :p
2 more months to train, if I'm motivated enuff -_-"