Monday, July 13, 2009

Peace of mind

The best way to overcome a sensitive fellow is to ignore them =)

It would turn out to be defensive than clarifying.
So why bother?

Why be affected by other ppl's views..?
We live for ourself, family n loved ones.
I am learning to accept the fact that I can't please everyone.
And I don't need to.
I just hope to please my family, and bf whom are worth my time and love.
Seeing them happy makes me smile =)
Friends are important too...
BUt if friends turn out to be a prolong problem,
we shd learn to hold on less.

Something angered me...
And I almost shooted out.
But no, I didn't =)
I feel it is not worth pursuing.
Why let one person to destruct my serenity?

1 month, 3 days to my trip =)
I can't wait~~~~