Friday, September 26, 2008

Déjà vu

Have u ever experience déjà vu?

I was sitting in front of the computer in the ward amending something.
and my colleagues were sitting at the station talking n laughing loudly.
That instant I got flashback. I see myself in the same situation and doing the same thing.
It was a weird feeling, I paused and wondered what was it that I seemed to see?

There were a few occasions when I visited a particular place for the first time, there were sense of familiarity. Hey, this look familiar! I'm sure I had seen it before.

It has happened on various occasions that I have felt, just after someone has said something or I have seen something or thought of something, that it has occurred before. I cannot remember when it was, but I feel absolutely sure that the thing has happened.

Was it in my dream that I had seen it?

I'm amazed each time it happened on me.
Kinda psychic.