Saturday, May 2, 2009

Code Orange

Few days back we started to wear N95 mask in the ward...
All medical staff, healthcare workers (including physio, occupational therapist, speech therapist etc), cleaners and even porters donned their mask everywhere in the hospital.
And long queues at level 1 lobby area to screen visitors,
and only 1 visitor to a patient is allowed each time...
Having to wear the mask for more than 8 hours is really suffocating....
Just hoping the goggles and ppe will not be in used yet.

We received bad news...
All leaves will be frozen, starting from next monday.
Poor colleague of mine, whom had booked tickets back to m'sia to visit her parents had to be cancelled.
And others whom are affected by the news...
It is uncalled for.
Many of them had already make plans for their nearing leaves... sad
Mine was supposed to be next week too, luckily I volunteered to cancel my leave as it clashed with 2 of my colleagues, and pushed it to November slot then.
It does pay to be kind ar...

Having deployed to central station yesterday,
and working with the mask in the non- aircconditiong area, I almost fainted.
Just 1 day of deployment and I am already 'station- sicked'
I missed A station air-conditiong, my station colleagues and even the nonsensical patients.. (lol)
I hate deployment.
ANd I wondered, I am so used to my working surroundings now....
How fast can I adapt if I change to another ward?
I know it is the matter of time... but there r still ppl, and things that I would miss when I were to leave someday.

I agree with what Jone said..
The government, hospitals are over-reacting.
Only 1 confirmed case in HK, and no suspecting cases in singapore yet.
But the precautions they took are too much...
Cancelling of leaves, full PPE (in some wards), goggles standby etc...
I understand ever since the SARS outbreak, hospitals and government are being more vigilant.
But this is... overdoing.
ALthough I do agree prevention is better than cure,
I think they should give us more breathers.
Already hectic over the workload, and this current situation is overflowing our capacity to hold.

Today morning shift, I'm working with Lina in the same team....
Wonderful. haha.
Left the ward on the dot... showered and had late lunch in the hospital with her.
Ming came and fetched me to marina square after that....
Met up his friends for dinner to celebrate Rayner's ORD..
How fast... scary

Next week is Mother's day, and also our 3rd anniversary =)
I wonder, if he remember?